Saturday, 10 September 2005

Book ~ "Eat Right 4 Your Type" - Peter J. D'Adamo and Catherine Whitney (1996)

From ~ If you've ever wondered why the latest fad diet doesn't work for you ... well, there are lots of reasons, mostly the fact that it's a fad diet. But it could also be that you're the wrong blood type for the kinds of foods the diet recommends. Peter D'Adamo makes an argument that your blood type is an evolutionary marker that tells you which foods you'll process best and which will be useless calories. He covers the entire range for each of the four blood types, from entrées to condiments and seasonings, and also makes type-specific exercise and lifestyle recommendations.

According to this book, I should be eating a high protein/low carb diet because of my blood type. I can't see myself adhering to everything I was told (there's no way I'm giving up potatoes!) but I'll try to add in more of the recommended foods.

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