From Amazon.com ~ Using the easily learned "D-I-S-C" system, Dr. Rohm’s Positive Personality Profiles helps readers understand themselves and others. This book will clearly describe key differences in basic personality types, give practical insights into how people respond, provide keys for understanding your children, and explain methods for working with others.
My Marketing Management instructor introduced us to this in Tuesday night's class. Gord and I are both ISDCs:
I ~ People/outgoing
S ~ People/reserved
D ~ Task/outgoing
C ~ Task/reserved
I strengths ~ friendly, compassionate, carefee, talkative, outgoing, enthusiastic, warm, personable, fun
I weaknesses ~ weak-willed, unstable, undisciplined, resltess, loud, undependable, egocentric, exaggerative, frivolous
I under control ~ optimistic, persuasive, excited, communicative, spontaneous, outgoing, expressive, involved, imaginative, warm/friendly
I out of control ~ unrealistic, manipulative, emotional, gossip, impulsive, unfocused, excitable, directionless, daydreaming, purposeless
I Types like ... exposure to people, lots of activity, making people happy, making people laugh, short-term projects, to be on the go, prestige, selling while they play
I Types ... can be "higher than a kite" or "lower than a skunk", have lots of friends, wrongly believe that talking and doing are synonymous, need self-discipline
I Types are ... fun to watch, great starters, poor finishers, likeable, prone to exaggerate, easily excitable
I Types don't like ... being ignored, being ridiculed, being isolated, doing repetitive tasks
I Types want you to be ... fun, responsive, stimulating, postive, upbeat, enthusiastic