The Kool Haus is basically a big ole warehouse. There's no seating and the place holds a couple thousand people (the concert was sold out). We ended up way in the back in the bar area.


Me and Gord ... do you see Pink over my right shoulder?
The concert was okay, not great. I like Pink but gave it a 5 out of 10. She seemed very cold and mechanical. She saved "Get This Party Started" for her last song and left before it was over without a good-bye, thanks, etc.
Surprisingly I didn't see too many people dressed in pink. Me, I dressed for the occasion in a pink shirt and pink skirt. Ha!
Surprisingly I didn't see too many people dressed in pink. Me, I dressed for the occasion in a pink shirt and pink skirt. Ha!
The picture of you, Gord and Pink didn't appear on my computer. I didn't know you were going to see Pink - that is cool! I thought she would have played at a bigger venue. I'm surprised the rumrunner went with you!
Even Pink didn't wear Pink!
Yay for pink skirts!!
Alas, Zoey, it wasn't pink denim :( I'm sorry I let you down.
That's a nice picture of you two. I like some of her songs. But for the most part she's all right.
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