Saturday, 26 May 2007

Second Annual Chillin' Chicks' Weekend - Saturday

The Chillin' Chicks (aka Deb, Franca, Liz and I) spent the weekend at Deb and Ron's on Sturgeon Lake, about two hours northeast of Toronto. Deb spends the weekends there and Ron lives there full-time. Lucky Ron!

Deb's daughter, Julie, (who Deb lives with during the week cuz it's closer to work) was also there.

Deb's husband, Ron, and their friend, Smitty, took good care of us!

The view of Sturgeon Lake from the deck,
where we relaxed for the afternoon

Franca, Teena, Deb and Liz

Franca, Julie, Liz, Deb and Teena

Smitty BBQing our ribs and potatoes

Smitty and Ron, our "chefs"

The sun is going down ...

There are 50 dairy cattle living next door

Deb, Teena, Liz and Franca

The sun is setting ... but the mosquitoes are out!

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