Thursday, 26 July 2007

Happy 5th Anniversary to Gord and I!

Sarah, Teena, Gord and Ken
July 26, 2002 ~ 5:30pm

City Hall, Toronto, ON


Isabel said...

Happy Anniversary! Are you doing anything special?

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh Yes! A Very Very Happy Anniversary to you and Gord! I hope you are having a FABULOUS WEEK!

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary to you and Gord and of course again: Happy Birthday to you!
Hope you'll have a nice and romantic dinner tonight and I wish you the very best vacaiton:-)

Sarah said...

Happy 5th Anniversary Teena and Gord! I remember that day very well! Hope you have fun tonight at the Bungalow Cafe!

Sister Sarah

Ingrid said...

Happy birthday to you (I am singing, sorry if I sing false !) Yes, a very happy birthday and all the best ! Especially health ! and a happy anniversary too ! Only 5 years ! I have already 38 behind me ! But can only advise you to follow in my steps !

Em said...

Birthdays and! I hope you have the best celebration ever!

Jodi_Lee said...

Your birthday AND your anniversary is the same day?? You are a very brave lady, but we have already established that. :) Have a fabulous day!

B said...

Happy Anniversay and Happy B lated Birthday Teena!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bride!!!


~ames~ said...

happy anniversary!!

Shionge said...

Hiya Teena...I am here through Renny and wishing both of you Happy Anniversary :D

Anonymous said...

Happy 5 years!!