Thursday, 17 July 2008

Cute kitties

I got my hair trimmed this afternoon at Ocean Salon in our 'hood.

Nadia, the owner, had daughter's two kittens in the shop.

They are only seven weeks old and soooooo sweet!


  1. They are so cute! We have a little kitten right now... his name is little man... hes adorable...

    I wanted to stop and say thank you for wishing me a happy blogaversary! That was so nice! Its been a new experiance for me this year... being the first year and all.

    koinonia academy

  2. AWWWW! I want to adopt those babies. Nothing more precious than kittens :)

  3. Awwww what pretty puddy cats.
    Bet your hair looks pretty too.
    Waving at you from New York

  4. what is not to love about little kittens? stop by my site and see the cute little feral kitten that is hanging around our home. we have a lot of feral cats in the area, but hope to tame this one enough to rescue him.

    also, congrats on the ipod. they are just wonderful inventions. i'm on my second one. the old one (from 2003) still works, but as it doesn't handle videos or movies, i got a new one last christmas.
