Saturday, 9 August 2008

"Lauchie, Liza and Rory", SummerWorks, Factory Theatre, Toronto, ON

Gord and I saw "Lauchie, Liza and Rory" this afternoon at the Factory Theatre (Bathurst/Adelaide W). It's part of the Summer Works Theatre Festival.

A whimsical comedy about loyalty and misplaced love set in 1940s Cape Breton and centers around Lauchie and Rory Macdonald, identical twins who share a love for the same woman, Liza. A short story, artfully adapted by Sheldon Currie (the movie Margaret's Museum is based on one of his stories), ingeniously staged by Mary Colin Chisholm.

There are just two actors in the play skillfully playing the parts of eight characters.

Sheldon Currie was an English prof of mine at St. F.X.U. in Antigonish, NS. I had taken one of his courses in 1983, the year I graduated.

I saw Sheldon in the audience today so I said hello. He didn't remember me but it was nice to see him nonetheless. He's retired now and still living in Nova Scotia.

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