Thursday, 11 September 2008

Book ~ "The New Influencers: A Marketer's Guide to the New Social Media" (2007) Paul Gillin

From The New Influencers ~The New Influencers is a book for corporate marketers and executives who want to understand and engage with the vast new channels of influence that are emerging online.

It's a book about the people who are using online media to drive what may be the greatest change in market dynamics since television. Internet-based communications platforms like weblogs (blogs) and podcasts are giving individuals the power to reach global audiences without the restrictions of conventional channels or editors. These “social media” are changing markets in dramatic ways.

I find the whole of concept of social media and how far we have come in so little time fascinating!

And this was an excellent book which covered the subject very well.

The various topics include blogging and podcasting, standards, enthusiasts, the power of influence, how big business is using it, viral marketing and next steps.

Even if you just have a personal blog, it is still an interesting read to discover how businesses are using social media to change the way they provide information to us and how we are willing to accept it.

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