Monday, 1 September 2008

Interesting way to turn 50

I read More this afternoon. I like this magazine because it's directed at women over the age of 40.

There was an interesting article called "Thanks giving ~ The lost art of letter writing can help you celebrate the big five-o."

Melanie in Toronto was turning 50 and wanted to do something to mark this milestone.

So what she did was write genuine thank you letters to 50 people who had been important to her. She didn't limit the list to people whose impact had been obviously positive. She'd learned valuable things from relationships that hadn't worked and it was important for her to thank those people (this included her ex-husband).

She picked 10 people per decade. There was only one person she couldn't find the address for so she's hanging onto this letter in case she eventually tracks this person down.

She heard back from 2/3 of the recipients.

I'll be turning 50 in four years so that's probably why I found it an interesting approach.

I'm not sure if I could come up with 50 people to send thank you letters to. Could you?


  1. 50 people? Hmm, I prolly could but they wouldn't all be close to me... and some may not remember me LOL but, I don't have addresses for them all. My DH works for the USPS tho - so, he could just deliver t 50 residents LOL!! BTW, are you sure you're near 50? I'd have ever guessed it... just going by your photos.

    BTW, thanks for the birthday wishes!

  2. I like the idea of writing the letters. I wonder if I could think of 40 people to write to.
