Friday, 31 October 2008

Happy Halloween

Gord and I don't "do" Halloween.

Yes, we are the ones who turn off all the lights and don't stay home.

So don't bring your rugrats kids around for candy ... we won't be home.


  1. happy halloween! (or, should i say, happy turn out the lights and enjoy a night out!!)

    thank you so much for stopping by amuse-bouche. your comment was such a wonderful "blogoversary" surprise.

    i'm looking forward to getting to know you through your blog.

  2. Enjoy your quiet evening. Have a fun weekend.

  3. haha you should come round my house and we can sit in the dark together and not answer the doors!!!!

  4. i can relate to this post. i also hate halloween and it gets worse each year. but for the sake of the ladies, we do it (well i fake it). i just think it's stupid. kids go to the doors of total strangers and ask for candy. isn't this the kinda stuff that you tell kids not to do. i dunno. oh well. what you gonna do?
