It was -11C (-14C with the windchill) and sunny.
KC had fun ... she was running around like a puppy! She hadn't been there for a while so there was lots to sniff.
There is a plant that she is addicted to there. She'll race to it and gobble it up. Here she is looking for it ... alas, she couldn't find any.
i miss dog parks. i don't have a dog anymore.. i just take pictures of them :D
That looks very nice. But a bit chilly for me and Biddle LOL
what a shame she didnt get to find her plant :(
How nice of you to take KC to this beautiful park and I know its good for you too :-)
Even more: thanks for taking us with too!
Btw: I can tell you have less snow than we have in Oslo, Norway and also that you are happy for that ;-)
I'm so happy to see that KC is feeling better!
Looks cold!!! I bet you are looking forward to Spring like I am. KC looks like she was having fun - she's so cute!
Ffffrrreezing here too in Ottawa. No dog park for us today. Our doggy kept falling on the ice on his walk in the neighbourhood, poor clumsy oaf.
Our cat likes to eat the grass down at the water, too.
Wow you guys have hardly no snow left! It is still the Great White North here. :(
I miss walking through TB park. Glad to see KC is doing great!
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