It's taken the book How Not to Act Old : 257 Ways to Pass for Phat, Sick, Hot, Dope, Awesome, or at Least Not Totally Lame.
Seven things were listed ...
- Unstrap the Rolex - The young don't wear a watch because they can get the time on their cell phone.
- Don't leave a message - Young people figure the other person will see their number in missed calls and reach out if they want or need to talk.
- Don't spout any history - If it happened before 2001, who cares?
- Don't block the aisle in the grocery story.
- Don't fear the wax - Waxing "down there" is one of the major differences between younger and older women.
- Don't yell into your cell.
- Don't cook a roast - Apparently no one under the age of 40 knows how to roast meat and they don't want to know.
LOL - I think that's very true, hahahaha. but sometimes it's better to act your age ... otherwise you look even older LOL
hahahhahaha short and sweet! waxing down there is funny! I mean young girl do that? not that I know off hahahhaha very informative!
I got here because Drowsey your post is interesting!
She is right!
Hi Teena!!
Thanks for your kind words...
And the roast!! I never knew. I guess that means that in two years I will be golden with the crock pot. Haa!! :)
But, I am totally old by all other measures.
Thanks for visiting.. kiss
LOL, LOL...Well, being as old as I am, I think it is stupid Bull!
They lost me at #5. You'd have to be crazy to pour hot wax on your nether regions.
1. I wear a pocket watch and don't own a cell phone
2. I'm just bad at leaving msg unless important.
3. I'm a history major, can't help this one!
4. I do agree with this - huge pet peeve of mine when shopping.
5. I fear wax.
6. Again, no cell.
7. I haven't done a 'roast' (like a roast of beef) and I am interested, but then I'm a bit of a foodie.
What do YOU think Teena?
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