I hit the road for home right after the second one.
As I got to Waterloo, the skies got dark ...
Then it cleared up ... until I was in Guelph and it started again.
Almost home. The traffic on the 427 and Gardiner was brutal ... practically a parking lot!
All of a sudden, the skies opened up and it started raining really hard, along with thunder and lightening. It was crazy!
There were tornadoes just north of Toronto in Vaughan today ... scary!
It was pretty wild! Looks like Vaghan got the worst of it. Hope your safe!
i bet it was scary! i hate it when it hits that hard you cant drive
Be safe driving if you get any more crazy rain.
I hope you weren't affected by the weather! I spoke to my daughter in TO and she's never experienced a tornado before!
And now, here comes "BIG BILL" for us here in NS. I'm gonnna be battening down the hatches tomorrow!
Yeah, didn't someone die too? For Canada this is right crazy weather. All summer has been just wonky. Climate change or a blip?
weve been having some crazy weather latley too, lots of heat lightning!
I am glad you got through the storm unscathed... Crazy weather has been hitting the Souther Hemisphere as well! Here in Australia, we are having plesant winter days of 27-28C!
This post also has SO many similarities... Windsor is near where I am live in Australia, my Aunt lives in Waterloo in the UK city of Liverpool, on a recent trip for a Conference, I met a Uni Professor from Guelph & my late wife's mothers maiden name is Gardiner! Freaky or what!
I am so glad the Tanya sent me see your blog...
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