I knew I needed to do something about it to be able to move on.
So this evening I saw a hypnotherapist in my 'hood.
We talked first about why I was there. Intellectually I know what to do and how to do it ... I just couldn't.
Barb hypnotized me (that's freaky!) and then went after my block right away. She took me to my happy place (for me, it's the ocean) and then had me look at my block. She said I could either tell her what it was or nod if I didn't want to talk about it. But I couldn't see it. And then I felt tears coming to my eyes. She asked me if I could see my block and I said no, but that I was starting to cry.
She spent what seemed like a long time giving me positive re-enforcement ... I'll want to eat healthy, I'll want to go to the gym and be active, I'll want to get back into boxing classes, I'll want to stay away from pizza and chicken wings, etc. During all this, tears are pouring down my cheeks. It was weird! Her re-enforcement talks about getting away from "dieting" and more into "healthy eating" because diets have a start and end period whereas healthy eating is forever.
Then she counted me back out of it. She said that the fact that I had cried meant that I had touched whatever my block was and fought it, it was so strong and had such a hold on me, whatever it was.
She gave me a CD to every day (20 minutes). She said that sometimes people just need one visit ... others need more later on.
Interesting experience ... I hope it works!
Okay, now, I just HAD to respond to this one! I like the focus on "healthy eating," because that's what I've been trying to do. It works, for the most part, but I have my points in the day...vulnerable times, I guess, when I need all kinds of incentives.
I started my blog Obsessions and Compulsions, thinking it might help to document my journey and talk about all of this. I find it helpful, because I have to focus on ANOTHER one of my obsessions (blogging!) to zero in on my issues.
It's at http://rainysnowyobsessions.blogspot.com
BTW, making time for the gym is one of my issues, too.
uw i have never been hypnotized before as i never thought it was real. seems like it is though! hope it works for you
Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Game FreakZ
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
I am totally jealous that there is ahypnotherapist in your hood. What I would give to see one!
Your blog has changed since the last time I visited - it has been a while I know, life got in the way of the computer there for a bit. I like the new look. Good luck with your healthy eating!
I hope it works for you, too...It sounds like a terrific thing to do...I will be very interested to hear what the results will be as time goes on....! Much Good Luck!
Well I do hope it works for you. I have afriend who did this for smoking and it worked! power of positive thinking!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your sweet words, best of luck in my giveaway!
Very interesting and honest of you to write about it.
It shows you really want but also how difficult it is to change lifestyle/attitudes.
I think diets are popular because it's lot's of money involved.
After all, you got the very right advice: Eat healthy. And it's very good as well.
We make allmost all food from the ground. Do we have time to do that?
After a while you will make the food very quickly and you'll find out how to reuse leftovers in new dishes. (Just buy a little more than you need). White fish is brilliant, and what to do with what you do not eat:
Make a soup or gratin;)
Readymade food consists of conservings that your body hardly get rid of....
Wish you the very best
Well, best of luck. I too have a big block against losing weight, huge in fact. I'm not sure what made me start P90X as a training program, but it's kicking my butt so far. I waited a looooong time to start it, so I know how you feel. For me it was simply time. I didn't force it, I just hugged my block and said k, time to move over for a bit. :)
Good luck!
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