Gord and I went to Monica and Mark's for supper tonight. They were our next door neighbours and moved a couple years ago (about a 15 minute drive away) .
Here's Mon (holding Chia Kitty ... yes, Chia tagged along) and I ...

Settling in for supper, which was delicious!

Beef ribs (they had been in the slow cooker all day), mashed potatoes, salad and broccoli ...

Dessert was a fruit crumble with fresh gelato. Yum!
Here's Mark and Mon ... aren't they cute?!

Mon played us a tune ... Chia enjoyed it too.

You know how much Gord loves beer! So does Mark! Mark's dad is German so Gord brought six German beer each for them so they could have a beer tasting (Gord blogged about it
Here they are having their first beer ...

And here they are having their sixth (and last) beer ...

Mission accomplished!

Since I'm "on track", my drink for the night was a 1.5 litre bottle of water.
It was fun to hang with them as I hadn't seen Mon since