As I'm getting older, the teeth on either side of them have been shifting. These teeth are now basically side-by-side so the two molars have been pushed inward even more and lost their place in line.
BTW, do you know how hard it is to take a picture of your upper teeth?! I had to jam a mirror into my mouth and then take a picture of the reflection from the mirror, while holding the camera upside down.
Because they have to put me out to remove them, I can't eat or drink for eight hours before my appointment ... so I haven't eaten since we had popcorn at 10ish last night. I'll be freakin' starving for my appointment ... I'm already hungry! On the bright side, it could help with my weight loss this week.
I hope I don't end up like this kid ... and that Gord (he has to come get me) doesn't video it and put it on YouTube.
Update: The molars are gone. Yay! They put me out but I was still aware of what was going on but didn't feel anything.
The roof of my mouth and upper gums are really really really sore ... the dentist has me on painkillers (yay!) and antibiotics.
Thanks for picking me up, Gord!
Ouch.....good luck Teena. Hope it all goes smoothly.
you know i did wonder if that was your teeth in the pic. genius !!
Tina from
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Mummy Diaries
Game FreakZ
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