But all of this takes a backseat when Izzy's friend winds up brutally murdered. Suddenly, Izzy must balance the demands of a voracious media and the knowledge that she didn't know her friend as well as she thought.
This is the second of three in a series ... I had read the first one, then the third one and now the second one.
I'd say that this is the weakest of the series. Though I enjoyed the writing style, the story was so-so. I found some of the situations absurd and unbelievable.
It was good to find out how she met Theo (I like him) but I got tired of Sam coming back and forth and whining.
The part with Mayburn could have been left out as it had no bearing on the main story but I guess she had to have him there so he can come back in the third book.
It didn't take me long to figure out who dunnit ... I would have liked more of a challenge.
I thought Laura Caldwell sounded like a familiar name, so I checked her out on Amazon.ca, and I haven't read any of her work. Is it so worth a try that I should skip her up on my reading list, or just add her to the (present) bottom?
I need to read more! Have a nice weekend.
sounds like an interesting series - this is the genre i like - no nicholas sparks thank you - what is the first novel in the series?
i guess i could just google it...sorry. :)
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