Friday, 21 May 2010

Socks and the city

Have a lonely sock you can't find a match for? You're not alone!
  • 12% of Torontonians believe the socks end up in sock heaven, the Bermuda triangle, or with a sock gremlin
  • 14% don't know where the socks end up
  • Two-in-ten Torontonians hold onto their lonely socks forever in hopes of a reunion!
Help your sock find its Sole Mate

Send Toronto Hydro your lonely sock and they'll do their best to match it with a compatible sock partner. If you're one of the first 100 people to send it in, they'll mail you an eco-friendly drying rack. To match your sock successfully, they'll need a description of when and where it was worn.

The top 10 Sole Mate matches will be posted on their website.

This is Candidate Number 5678

Single Since: March 2009

Description: Gently combed cotton sock with just the right amount of spandex. Likes getting warm by the fire and fleece boots.

Other interesting facts: Once worn with sandals during awkward adolescent years. Was worn to meet the Prime Minister in 2009

Remember in December when I cleaned out my sock drawer (and discovered I had 80 pairs of socks?!)? I found lots of single mates but, alas, threw them out.


  1. 80 pairs is pretty impressive. I need to clean out my sock drawer badly and will probably toss the survivors too.

  2. i know mine are in the washer under the agitator. I dont know how many ive saved from going allt he way in there. they should make it easy to remove so you can save your socks and underwear!

  3. There's much be a lot of single socks floating around Toronto then! :D
