When you read the Stephanie Plum series, you know what you're getting ... a quick fun read. Plus, you've gotten to know the quirky characters.
There is a lot of criticism about Evanovich's last books in this series that she's getting lazy and following a formula ... and I've got to agree. I debated about buying this book or wait for my turn to come up at the library (I did buy it).
Yes, I did enjoy it but it's the same stories over and over again. She and Morelli have split up yet again. She is feeling the heat with Ranger yet again. Grandma Masur is building her social life around visitations at the funeral home yet again. Lula is on a diet but has no qualms about eating a bucket of chicken or a dozen donuts yet again. Her cousin, Vinnie, is still pervert. Stephanie keeps smashing cars and Ranger keeps lending her awesome ones yet again. See what I mean?
The stories have changed so much over the years. The early ones had substance and excitement. The later ones are fluffier and rehashes. Even the size of the actual book has changed. The later books have more white space (like starting new chapters on the odd numbered page, wasting the even numbered pages at times) and less pages.
I hope Evanovich listens to her fans and goes back to the original format. And how much longer can she keep the Stephanie - Morelli - Ranger triangle going? It's gotten old and boring.
I didn't enjoy Sizzling Sixteen as much as Finger Lickin' Fifteen and Fearless Fourteen. I've found that a few of her hilarious Plum books were followed by a couple that were mediocre. I have faith that she'll get back to form.
I so agree! But it must be very hard to keep a series going - I've seen several peter out and fail.
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