We don't get dressed up and go to a party.
We don't decorate the outside of our condo to encourage trick or treaters to ring our doorbell (which will get KC barking like crazy) and beg for candy.
What we do is avoidance ... go see a movie or go out for supper. Gord and I have spent seven Halloweens together and we've made a point never to be home.
Tonight is our eighth Halloween together. We like chilling on Sunday evenings so we can brace ourselves for the week ahead. Plus there was a lot of good TV on ... NASCAR, football, World Series baseball, Amazing Race, Dexter, etc.
We decided to stay home this evening and not let the beggars drive us away. Instead we turned off all the lights in the living room and kitchen and
What do you do for Halloween? Did you get many trick or treaters?
We don't get trick or treaters here. Which I'm kind of glad. It would have drove Odie nuts!
I hated to go past dark houses when I was a kid...people that did what you do. I could never not put out candy now..feeling that way.
I just put out a big box of treats..kids help themselves..doesn't disturb the dogs because no one rings the bell and I have the tv up loud. Kids never dump the box..there are always some treats left. Problem solved.
You have a bigger heart than I do, LeeAnn!
Odie would have gone nuts, Izzy!
I love trick or treaters, but definatly get folks who dont, nearly froze my toes off sitting out there in my ruby slippers shelling out candy. Kids are cool with avoiding any house that does not have their lights on. It annoys me that the house 2 door down leaves their porch light on but does not give out candy....TURN OUT YOUR LIGHT!!!! Thats a house that should be TPed
I love Halloween, and while we're too lazy to dress up, we definitely hand out candy. For at least a couple hours. Then we made dinner and watched the new zombie tv show premiere. Fun night. I also love horror movies, so Halloween is the best TV time for me.
Tatiana: I'm a wimp ... scary movies scary me :(
BunnyMummy: The way we were sneaking around the living room and kitchen, it was obvious we had no candy. Shhhh :)
whiners....enjoy the kids coming dressed up to your door,,,if you shut your house down around here you could be tricked as in eggs on your windows...toilet paper on your cars.lawn,,,,you guys sound selfish,,,,ITS ABOUT THE FUN OF CHILDREN.....like 4 hours one evening a year would kill you
Anon: You may think we're whiners and selfish but we choose not to have the doorbell ringing every five minutes and getting our 15.5 year old dog upset and barking.
Happy Halloween!
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