Saturday 15 January 2011

Snowshoeing at Crawford Lake Conservation Area

Gord and I went snowshoeing at the Crawford Lake Conservation Area this afternoon (about 45 minutes west of Toronto).

We started on the Snowshoe Trail (3.4km - 1 hour 30 minutes - This trail has been designed with snowshoers in mind. Enjoy the beauty of winter as you wind your way through field and forest).

I only fell once as we were heading to a new trail. Ha!

Then we did the Escarpment Trail (2.4 km - 1 hour - This natural trail winds through rocky woodlands and along the brow of the Niagara Escarpment. A highlight is the lookout where interpretive cairns and resting benches are located).

The first part is definitely a natural trail as it is almost non-existent and we were climbing over logs and rocks. We spent some time at the lookout ... it was so peaceful. The second half is a well-groomed trail.

What a fun day! We were snowshoeing for 2.5 hours! No doubt we'll sleep well tonight.


BetteJo said...

I get a headache when my ears are too cold, how can you be out without a hat or ear muffs or something?

Teena in Toronto said...

I've never been a fan of hats ... I have lots of hair so I stay warm.

Gord is addicted to hats!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

popped over from attitudeivlife's blog... great all looks so breath-taking.

Tina said...

haha love your falling over picture! looks like fun

Teresa said...

Sounds like a picture perfect winter day.

Sarah said...

It looks like it was a long but fun day. Great exercise. I like the pic of you in the snow! That will be me when I try it with you next month.