Crumpet is going to be four months old on Monday. She is a spaz of nocturnal energy.
At night Morgan sleeps at the foot of our bed. Crumpet likes to attack his tail or legs which gets them playing/fighting. Or she likes to jump on our bed attacking our toes. Or she'll stick her face in my face and purr.
As much as we love the kitties, we were looking forward to being away for a couple days and sleeping through the night for the first time since we got Crumpet on June 3. Sweet!
Last night we were back to reality ... the kitties wouldn't let us sleep. I sprayed them with water when they played/fought. I even tried putting them in the hall and closing the door on them but they tried to open it by sticking their paws under it and pulling.
I finally gave up about 5am and went to our spare room because I knew they would follow me. At least Gord could get some sleep. But when Crumpet wasn't attacking Morgan who was sleeping on the futon next to me, she was chewing on paper and boxes.
So I moved out to the couch in the living room about 6am. That seemed to settle them down because they both slept on me for a while.
It's now noon and look who are finally settling down!

It's a good thing they are cute :)