We had a busy fun weekend and spent today at home. The kitties were happy to have us around.
Gord watched the Jays game and Crumpet snuggled up on his back.

Boy, does she look comfy!
Morgan was on the other end of the couch snoozing.

foster mom had warned us that Crumpet loves chewing on paper ... and does she ever! We have to keep mail, paper towels, newspapers, etc. away from her or she'll rip it to shreds. She had some fun with toilet paper this afternoon ... it all happened so fast!

And Morgan had to check it out too ... Crumpet is a bad influence!
Then it was snooze time again!
lol you sure do have your hands full with that adorable little kitten. I love how she's a bad influence on Morgan. I wish my 2 would get along as well as yours do. Very cute!
Adorable post .. our furbabies can certainly be a handful, but I don't think we would have it any other way.. wishing you a great week ahead , HHL
Crumpet needs frequent naps after all that mischief :)
ha ha. That's funny with the toilet paper. She got pretty far with it.
The toilet paper has also been done in our house once or twice... even paper towels are not safe. They are adorable!
Those cats cannot get any cuter. How did he get the TP around the house so quick!?
Dawn: If you could see them right now, you might take back the comment about them getting along ... Crumpet is being a pain and wants to play with Morgan and Morgan isn't as enthusiastic about it. Ha!
HHL: Crumpet's a handful at times, that's for sure!
Julie: Crumpet has two speeds ... sleeping and spaz!
Izzy: And it happened soooo quickly!
Tatiana: She eyes the paper towel longingly!
LOTW: She's THAT quick! Ha!
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