Friday, 28 October 2011

Wild and crazy Friday night

It's wild and crazy right now at our place.

Gord is having a nap so he can watch the last World Series ball game tonight.

Morgan and Crumpet are sleeping next to me on the couch.

I'm watching Judge Judy.

Yep, wild and crazy!


  1. Whoa! That's pretty crazy all right! Be sure to grad some pain killers too! LOLs

  2. this sounds like my favorite fridays...moscato, rotisserie chicken, and a redbox. Pile on some cats, and the dog at my feet in my comfy pjs, and add the falling asleep well before midnight, and you've got my recipe for perfection!

  3. You kids need to tone it down!

  4. Whoa man, Judge Judy!? That's a little too exciting for my blood to handle ;) LOL

    It sounds like you're having a nice relaxing Friday at home!

  5. Lovely fotos, greeting from Belgium Have a nice halloween day and sunday
