My father's side didn't seem to be going anywhere so I'd put it aside to focus on my mother's side and also on Gord's family.
A couple months ago I came across a document on Ancestry.ca written by someone in my tree in about 1920 documenting her ancestors (and mine) back to England. I started adding it to my tree and it brought me back to Alfred the Great (849 - 899) ... it turns out he was my 36th great grandfather.
Yesterday I realized that I'm probably related to Queen Elizabeth II. So I started digging and charted my tree to see if I could get to her ... and I did. She and I are 21st cousins, 3x removed. We both descend from King Edward I (that's him in the picture) ... she from Edward's son, King Edward II, and I from his daughter, Joan.
So I wonder where I am in the succession line for the throne ...
Well that is seriously cool! I have been working on to too but no Cargegies just yet.
that is very cool! I'm jealous of people who can go way back on their family tree.
How AMAZING is it that people can now trace their family back like you did and find out they were descended from kings and queens!?
I wonder who I descended from...
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