Tuesday, 31 July 2012


After we left Langlade, we drove to Miquelon, about 25km away.

Along the way, we stopped to climb this hill.

It might not look high .. but here's looking at our bus from the top.

The views were awesome!

There are hundred of horses on the island and we stopped to hang with some.  When they saw our bus pull up, they came over and our guide, Jean Cloony, gave them some bread.  They were so friendly.

This little guy was shy and was more comfortable hanging with the other horses.

This is Miquelon.  There are about 700 inhabitants. It was quiet and felt empty.  We had 45 minutes on our own to explore.

 This is the grocery store.

 We got back in the bus and hit the road again.  This was just outside Miquelon.

We headed back to Langlade and took the boat back.

It was a fabulous day and a great way to see Langlade and Miquelon.  It would be really difficult to get a sense of it if you try to do it on your own.


  1. Love the horses.. how cool is hat! everything looks a bit like a ghost town..

  2. I've been to St. Pierre a couple of times, but never made the trek to Langlade or Miquelon. Looks very peaceful.

  3. love the horse pictures!! they look beautiful!

  4. Envious - this looks like it was a great trip. I noticed all the colourful buildings. Is this something that you saw everywhere?
