Sunday, 9 September 2012

Kitties are a bad influence

My closet has been bugging me for a while. I spent a couple hours this morning rearranging it.  I didn't throw out much but I ended up some more space and I know where everything is again.  Yay!

Crumpet and Morgan were a big help!  They are great supervisors.

Afterwards they were so tired out and settled onto the bed for a snooze.  They were so cute that I couldn't resist cuddling in with them for a while.

Then I got up and organized some cupboards we have in the bedroom.

The lure of the napping kitties was too much for Gord and he joined them this afternoon.

Once Gord got up, Morgan and Crumpet realized they didn't need him ... they still had each other.


  1. i heart snuggling kitties!! it is the sweetest thing! and i agree, cats are a bad influence, no matter what you do, they are way more relaxed and comfy than you and they suck you in!!!

  2. awww, great pictures. i love how they snuggle with each other.

  3. They are so cute!
    Are they mother and son/daugther?

    I invite you to see here:

    «Cid», his friend «Chatgris» (he comes home by hollydays or weekends, he lives next town)and «Binx», in Toronto, North York.

    Big hug from Cid to Crumpet and Morgan!
