Monday, 28 January 2013

Driving from Montreal to Ottawa

Danny, Steve and I have a meeting in Ottawa tomorrow morning.  I flew to our head office in Montreal yesterday to practice today for the meeting.

It was starting to snow in Montreal late this morning so we left the office about 2:30pm to drive to Ottawa, where we are spending the night.  Here's the view from the meeting room we were in.

Though we weren't speedy, the highway wasn't too bad until we hit Ottawa.  Then we got caught in a bit of a snowstorm and rush hour.  We spent an hour and a half going about 9km to get to our hotel (it should have taken probably ten minutes).  I stuck my camera out the window (I wasn't driving) to capture our adventure.


Ironically Tracy Chapman's Fast Car was playing as we turned off the highway toward our hotel.

What should have taken less than two and a half hours took more than four hours!

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