Friday, 30 August 2013


Gord and I walked home after we stopped at Amsterdam Brewhouse (about a 40 minute walk) and we came upon a bookmobile parked at Queen's Quay/Bathurst Street.

I haven't seen a bookmobile since I was in elementary school (40+ years ago)!

I've always love love loved reading and it was always a treat when the bookmobile would pull up outside our school (in Dartmouth, NS) every week.  We'd take turns going out to it and check out some books.

I didn't know bookmobiles are still around.  Do you have them near you?


  1. Never heard of it! Is it used books? For sale? Or like a mobile library? If so where do you return the books to if its mobile?

  2. Library books ... you return them to the bookmobile.

  3. Woah - we don't have them at all. I wish we did, though.
