Thursday, 25 July 2019

CPBI Ontario Link & Learn Golf Tournament, Crosswinds Golf & Country Club, Burlington, ON

I'm a volunteer with and on the council of the CPBI (Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute) Ontario Region. Today we held our CPBI Ontario Link & Learn Golf Tournament at Crosswinds Golf & Country Club in Burlington.

We had 52 golfers signed up and all the golfers get a gift bag with goodies donated from various companies.  I put them together on Monday.

We live in a small condo and all the goodies took up a lot of space!

Here are the gift bags once we got them set up at the registration tables at the golf course ...

Before the players played golf, there was a lunch 'n learn.

Mike, our leader, welcomed everyone and introduced Susanne Cookson and Cynthia Hastings-James of BestLifeRewarded Innovations who presented Understanding the Links between Financial, Physical and Mental Well-Being. Catch-22 or Panacea?.

Before the golfers headed out, someone from Chrysalis Yoga got them stretched and warmed up.

Then it was time to get into their carts and golf.

Cristina, our CPBI Ontario coordinator, and I

As our golfers when through hole #1, I took their pictures ... the view was gorgeous!

Afterwards, there were drinks and appies ... then Mike gave out the prizes.

It was a fun day and I look forward to being part of it next year!

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