Friday, 8 July 2022

Roasted Pork Tenderloin and Shallot Gravy with Creamy Mash and Garlicky Roasted Broccoli, Hello Fresh

My neighbour and pal, Rebecca, had a Hello Fresh meal kit she wasn't going to use so asked me if I wanted it.  Sure! It was Roasted Pork Tenderloin and Shallot Gravy with Creamy Mash and Garlicky Roasted Broccoli.

The kit came with everything but oil, pepper, butter and milk.

Ta-da!  You notice there is no broccoli?  It didn't turn out well.  It was to be mixed with oil, garlic and pepper and baked until crispy.  I kept checking on it and apparently when it's black, not only is it crispy but it's burnt.  Ha!  I don't like broccoli anyway so it wasn't a big deal for me.  The potatoes, pork tenderloin and shallot gravy, though, were very good!

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