Sunday 23 June 2024

Book ~ "A Brew to a Kill" (2023) Ellie Alexander

From Goodreads ~ It’s the opening weekend of the spring farmers market in the charming Bavarian village of Leavenworth, Washington, where the hills are alive with the sound of ... murder. 

Sloan Krause and Garrett Strong are eager to showcase their latest offering - canned hoppy Northwest ales. They’re even more enthusiastic when Josh, a young travel influencer known for scaling peaks and downing pints, offers to feature Nitro’s new cans at the top of the latest mountain he’s set to climb. Josh’s A Brew to a View has millions of followers and should mean great exposure for Nitro. 

But when Josh is found stone-cold dead at the local youth hostel, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs and brews behind, Sloan and Garrett will have to tap into their sleuthing skills to solve a crime that has left the picturesque village in a state of shock. Could the killer be a jealous rival travel influencer, an enigmatic hiker who has been seen around town or perhaps someone closer to home? Can Sloan piece together this intoxicating puzzle before it's too late? Because if she can’t crack open the truth, she might just find herself crushed under the weight of a sinister beer can conspiracy.

I like beer and I like mysteries so that's why this series has caught my eye.

Sloan works with Garrett in his microbrewery/pub, Nitro. The farmers market is starting up again and Nitro has a table selling their beer and swag. Two influencers are in town and are happy to promote Nitro's products. When one is found murdered in his room, there are a couple suspects ... the rival influencer, the influencer's ex-girlfriend and perhaps a local. Sloan and Garrett set out to help the local police figure it out.

This is a novella after the sixth book in the Sloan Krause Series and I liked it.  I've read the others and this works as a stand alone (there is enough background provided). It's written in first person perspective in Sloan's voice.  There is some talk about beer and food pairings and recipes at the end.  It was a quick light read and is a "cozy mystery" so there is no swearing, violence or adult activity.

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