On an ordinary Monday morning, Ariel Cafferty's phone buzzes with a disturbing text message. "Something’s happened. I need to see you. Meet me under the candelabra tree ASAP." The words would be jarring from anyone but the sender is the only man she ever loved. And it's been several years since she learned he died.
Seeing Drew’s name pop up is heart-stopping. Ariel’s gut says it can’t be real. But she goes to the tree anyway. She has to.
Nobody shows. But the text upends everything she thought she knew about the day he left her. The more questions she asks, the more sinister the answers get. Only two things are clear: everything she was told five years ago is wrong and someone is still lying to her.
The truth has to be out there somewhere. To safeguard herself - and her son - she’ll have to find it before it finds her. And with it, the answer to what became of Drew.
Arial has had a mindless job for the last five years working for the company her uncle and late father set up. It allows her to do what she really wants to do, which is glass blowing. Arial is a single mom to four-year-old Buzz and she hasn't seen Drew, his father, since he took off before she realized she was pregnant. She'd done some digging and discovered from Drew's obituary that he had passed away not long after he left her.
One day she receives a text from Drew out of the blue asking her to meet him ASAP. Though Drew has been dead for five years, she still goes to the meeting place and no one shows up. This prompts her to start reinvestigating Drew and as she does, she discovers he may not be who he said he was and she's determined to find out the truth.
This is the first book I've read by this author and I thought it was okay. It was a bit convoluted and confusing at times. It's written in first person perspective in Ariel's voice and third person perspective in Drew's voice. It jumps back in time from today to five years ago (the chapters are labeled). Slowly we discover what Drew was up to and why he had to vanish. The ending comes rather quickly with a happy ending. I wasn't really digging the characters and didn't find them overly likable. I usually find young children annoying in stories but Buzz (who names their son Buzz?!) wasn't too bad. As a head's up, there is swearing.